Papers must be original, unpublished, written in USA English, and must be at least 8 (eight) pages but not exceeding 12 (twelve) pages, including abstract, figures, tables, and references. The submission should correspond to the Conference Topics. All papers must comply with the Springer guidelines (paper template). Papers not satisfying these criteria will be excluded from the review. 

The author’s team restriction is no more than five persons. One person can submit two papers at the most, but only one paper as the first author. Plagiarism is strictly followed and will be checked by Unicheck. Any paper having more than 15% plagiarism will not be accepted for review.

The title, abstract, authors, and affiliations, as well as the order of authors in the EasyChair system, should be the same as in your paper. It is preferable to use ORCID for all co-authors (please visit for registration).

Use Title Case for the paper title, i.e. capitalizing all main words. No academic titles or descriptions of academic positions should be included in the paper. Leave only one email address (corresponding author) in the paper. All communication will be realized with the corresponding author only. The corresponding author should specify the corporative e-mail only.

The abstract should summarize the content (goal, scientific novelty, practical value, main results, etc.) of the paper in short terms, i.e. 150-250 words. Keywords cannot duplicate the words and(or) phrases from the title of the paper. Use high-quality figures in your paper (at least 300 dpi).

The Editorial Board highly encourages you to cite up-to-date literature (2016-2021 preferable), which indexed by databases Scopus and Web of Science (peer-reviewed journals with high impact factors are preferable). The recommended References List is 15-30 literature resources. Please avoid non-English references. Self-citation is allowed but no more than 15% of the reference list. This issue will be strictly monitored. References should use the MathPhys style format, as shown in the ‘Key Style Points: References’ document.