The participants are supposed to stay at the Hotel «Osvita» (18 Kulykivskyj Descent, Kharkiv)

Participants also will be accommodated in other Kharkiv hotels. The Organizing Committee will be pleased to help you with accommodation. There are many nice hotels located near the conference venue with moderate prices:

The list of hotels presented here does not cover all the possible variants. It is a list of main hotels within a walking distance from the Conference venue. However, many nice hotels with good service and prices can be found in the city. You can feel free to find other accommodation. Perhaps, in this case, you will have to use public transport or a taxi service.

A typical price for a single-trip ticket by bus is about 10 UAH (0.35 EURO).

A single-trip ticket for the Underground train is 8 UAH (0.27 EURO).

The price of taxi service should be less than 4 EURO to reach the city center from the city suburbs by taxi.